Thursday, January 19, 2017

Green kale soup

This recipe is childhood and memories for me. I grew up living with my grandparents most of my childhood and my grandmother was often making stews and soups with a lot of different vegetables. This soup doesn’t take too long to cook which means that the kale keeps its texture and deep green colour. 

Ingredients for 4-6

1 yellow onion
6 medium size potatoes
150gr cherry tomatoes
800gr green kale
2,5l stock
150gr barley
Olive oil


Rinse the barley and put it in a pan, cover with water, bring to boil and cook for 10 minutes or as long as it says on the packaging.
Cut the onion not too finely, wash and cut the kale and potatoes into chunks, tomatoes into halves.
In a large pot heat up some olive oil and add the onion, sweat for a few minutes or until the onion gets softer. Add the kale, tomatoes, potatoes, stock and season with salt and pepper. Bring to boil and cook until potatoes are cooked through. Add the cooked barley with some of its cooking water.
Before serving drizzle with some olive oil and serve with a piece of rustic bread.



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