Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Basil pesto with pine nuts

Maybe because it’s summer or I just want to cook using my newly planted basil plants, anyway, I felt for a light green vegetable pasta. I will be posting that recipe soon but for now here is a recipe for my pesto. This amount is enough to serve 8 people. You can also freeze it. 

Ingredients for 5dl pesto

2 garlic cloves
4tbsp pine nuts
2dl olive oil
½ tsp salt
4 big bunches of basilica
4-5tbsp Parmesan cheese


In a food processor mix finely the garlic, salt and the pine nuts. Add the basil (do not wash it) and mix until finely cut. Then add the olive oil and mix quickly until combined. Lastly, add the Parmesan and mix quickly once more.


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