Thursday, February 18, 2016

Busy day of doing chores and opera night

On the days I workout this is what I have for breakfast. Just a cup of plain yogurt. I like to workout in the mornings so if I have anything heavier I feel slow and can’t do as much. Then when I get back I get a banana and a cup of green tea.

I was up late but did my workout anyway. I usually spend a lot of time on a computer, mobile or taking pictures so when I’m on a walk I try not to listen to music or even think. It’s almost like meditation!

Just looking at this picture makes me roll my eyes. I really don’t like doing laundry :D I do it every two weeks and every time I ask myself how is it possible that we have this much?! Btw, hand washed things are not included. 

Perfect housewife that I am, I finally found those 5min that takes to put away the Christmas window lamp… Just to make myself look a little better, I have it lit the whole of January because it’s still very dark in the afternoons. I like things to be organised and on their place but yeah…I was just lazy!

V made a vegetable soup for lunch, which I forgot to take a pic of. I’m so bad :D But I didn’t forget to take one of my starter! It’s just simple Caprese salad. I often have it for lunch on it’s own, but then I usually take a piece of bread and some olive oil. 

        I still remember the first time we went to the opera, I was swept off my feet, fell completely in love! Everything about those evenings is special! From choosing a drees, doing hair and makeup, putting on a par of heels…oh, I think there is nothing as sexy as a woman in par of heels!

This time we saw The Marriage of Figaro. V thinks it’s the best performance we saw in Sweden and I agree. I very much liked the scenography but what made me really excited was when I heard that they are singing in Italian! My husband just looked at me, shaking he’s head … But he knows how in love I am!

I don’t know what I was thinking but I forgot to take with me my camera :/ I tried to take some pics with the iphone but it was too dark so this official picture will have to do.


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