Saturday, January 30, 2016

Venice part 2/3

When we got of the train that is connecting Venice to the mainland and after taking just one step from the train station into the city, we found ourselves in the most magical of places! 

In front of us was the Grand Canal, busy with gondolas and water busses, a little church and a bridge-one of many!

Venice is not that big, if you know the way, and because I knew where the hotel was, I offered to lead the way. It looked simple on the google maps, but I was probably looking more at all the beautiful windows and taking pictures, so…we got lost. 

Then we agreed that I am the planer and V is leading the way :D 

Fanny thing about the hotel was that the stairs leading to our room were very! lopsided. Also, when we were visiting one of the palaces the flour was very uneven, it was scary actually. 

Anyway, we stayed at the hotel close to St. Marks square, for a very good price, probably because it was January and low season.

Now, for all of the 6 days we were there it was sunny, most of the time we didn’t even need hats and gloves. It was also not too crowded with tourist. If (when!) I would to go back I would definitely choose winter again or maybe fall.

This is one of my favourite pictures! How lucky is the person who works there?!

During our stay we visited many museums and palaces and enjoyed beautiful art.

But what I enjoyed the most was walking the streets and looking at the buildings, the bridges, people, and how they are dressed…Italians are born artists! 

And of course, the beautiful sunsets! 


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