Sunday, January 31, 2016

Shopping, walk in the woods and truffle honey

Like I mentioned in this post, the day we woke up to a winter wonderland we were kinda stuck at home. I had a late breakfast consisting of a sandwich with my favourite whole grain bread, butter, cheese and some cloudberry jam. That jam is the bomb! I also had a few slices of cucumber and a cup of tea.

Then I spent a couple of hours on my computer, before I finally decided to put away my Christmas sales shopping…It was about time! :D

Instead of getting an early lunch we went for a walk in the woods nearby. That reminded me that I have to start doing my power walks again!

So for very late lunch V made breaded chicken with mash and I made the sour cherry sauce. I had this dish first time when we were visiting V’s relatives in north Serbia many years ago. I love sweet and sour combination so I fell in love with it instantly! 

     I bought this truffle honey when we were in Como during autumn. It’s an interesting combination and I think the flavours go very well together! I had just one teaspoon of it and it made the whole kitcken-livingroom area smell like truffles.


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