Friday, January 29, 2016

About me

I was never good at expressing myself verbally, it just doesn’t come naturally to me. Anyway, I do think that even a little bit of text makes a post full of pictures into a more interesting story. I am trying to write more and be more personal. It’s a process :D Maybe you have noticed that there was no “about myself” under my picture in the sidebar. After too long, I have decided to do it. So, here it comes! Also, the picture in this post is the one mentioned in the following text. 

Ever since I can remember I was fascinated with the photography. When I was around 3 years old, my mother and I were at a party where there was a photographer, and I was determined to get my picture taken. I don’t remember this happening, but it sounds like me! Up until my first year at university my family had an analog camera and I was always unhappy with the limited number of pictures. Then we got a first digital camera and by that time I was in charge of taking family photos. Because I was studying to become a physiotherapist, photography was always my hobby. Years went by, I got my university degree, moved from Serbia to Sweden, got married and then my husband and I went on our honeymoon in Venice! It was the first time I started thinking about the composition, the light and finally then I realised how much photography meant to me! However, I wasn’t in the situation where I could pursue my dream just yet. Following years I worked at a nursing home while learning Swedish, studied for my Swedish physiotherapist license, got it, and worked in the field for a few years. In the meantime I purchased my first DSLR and from that day taking pictures is the only thing on my mind. 

I started this blog with an idea of it combining two of my passions-travel and photography. Over the time it became more of a lifestyle blog, there’s recipes, pictures from my daily life and occasional fashion post. However, the majority of the content is still about travel.

You can also find me on Instagram

For contact

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