Wednesday, January 27, 2016

A ton of snow

As I wrote a couple of weeks ago I plan to do a post per month with just nature photos. I guess I want to capture all the changes in nature happening throughout the year.  It will also be a great way to get to know my surroundings better and discover new ones. Pictures from the first post were taken at a place I visited a million times, it is where I often do my power walks. However, once I started taking pictures everything started to look different and exciting! I am very happy with the pictures, frosty grass really speaks January and cold. Btw, I am still frozen from that day! But I learned my lesson not to go out in tiny socks when it’s minus degrees.

Then a couple of days later we woke up to a winter wonderland! Because we couldn’t take a buss, there was so much snow on the roads, V and I went for a walk in the woods nearby. Everything looked so beautiful, especially because we were among the first ones on the path, so there were no footsteps all over. It was kind of surreal! In some places snow was so deep, reaching above my knees. I don’t remember ever experiencing anything like it! 
I have a few more pictures from that day, of what we’ve been up to and I will be posting those soon. For now I hope you enjoy these ones!


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