Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Sweet plum dumplings

This is a versatile recipe because you can use any fruit you like, as long as it’s not too juicy. So any firm flesh fruit will do!

My friend makes this during the summer with fresh plums, cherries and even dried fruit. For me, however, this is a winter time dessert. Because it is best when served warm, we, my grandma, mamma and I, always make it during the winter. 


9 medium size potatoes
1tbsp+2dl oil
1 egg
3tbsp flour
4tbsp semolina
Ca 24 frozen or fresh plums
3tbsp brown sugar
125gr breadcrumbs


Peel and cut the potatoes into the same pieces, cook in salted water until completely cooked through.
Drain the potatoes then mash them with 1tbsp of oil and 1 egg. Taste the mixture and add salt if needed. Keep mixing the dough, with a wooden spoon, while adding the flour and the semolina in stages. Stop adding and mixing when the dough is no longer sticky. Continue hand kneading the dough until smooth.
Bring a large pot of water to a boil.
Lightly flour both hands, take a bit of the dough and make an equally thick round shape. Place one plum in the middle, make the dough ends meet around the plum and roll it around between both hands until as it becomes as round as possible.
When all the dumplings are made, place a few into the boiling water, don’t overcrowd. They are cooked when they come up to the surface, around 10min. Remove and place them onto the serving dish.
While hot sprinkle the dumplings with some brown sugar.
Place 2dl of oil and breadcrumbs in a pan then heat up on a medium-high heat. Drizzle over each dumpling.



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