Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Simple breakfast omelette

Ingredients for 1

3 eggs
Olive oil
Thyme leaves


In a bowl, briefly, using a fork, mix the eggs, salt and pepper.

Oil a non-stick pan and preheat to a medium heat. When the oil starts to move to the edges of the pan
it means it is hot enough. Pour the egg mixture into the pan and wait until the edge of the omelette
gets cooked. Using a spoon, pull the cooked edges to the middle of the pan, then tilt the pan to allow
the runny parts to get cooked. Do this in 3-4 moves. While there are still some uncooked parts,
remove the pan from the heat and sprinkle over some fresh thyme leaves. The omelette will continue
to cook in the hot pan, it will end up having different textures and being irresistibly silky.  

To serve, hold the pan at the steep angle while it’s touching the plate at the opposite end and start
rolling the omelette which then will continue to roll and fall on to the plate forming a half moon
shape. Top with some additional thyme leaves and serve with some mayo and a piece of bread. 



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