Thursday, February 16, 2017

Bumpy ride to Raca monastery

Just before getting into the car, we googled the way to drive to the monastery and were probably too tired to get a closer look to see that it chose big roads. Destination wasn’t too far from our starting point so we thought that we can always go back and take another road. Anyway, when we got off the big road and started driving through villages I got very excited. I love country side, old houses, animals, so of course, I took million pictures and we were stopping every 5m. And somewhere there the country rocky road got smaller, there was no place where we could turn the car. On one side of the car, more like 5cm from where the tires end, was a downhill so steep I almost started panicking but instead I took pictures of these beautiful sheep. Good thing I get easily distracted!

After that point the road in front of us got so steep, to sit straight up I had to get halfway closer to my thighs! Then I started imagining busses with tourists driving on this small little steep road on their way to this big tourist attraction and it made me laugh so much. After that last steep hill on the other side was the monastery. There are a couple of buildings to visit, beautiful frescoes and even a little museum. Still, I liked the countryside and the crazy ride more! ;)


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