Tuesday, October 4, 2016

My Asian vegetable, apple, peanuts and chicken dish

Ingredients for 4-6

3 carrots
2 peppers
8 mushrooms
½ cabbage
1 leek
2 Grany Smith apples
2 handfuls of peanuts
Oil for frying

For the sauce

3tbsp soya
4tbsp tomato juice
2tsp ground paprika
1tbsp white vinegar
1tsp sugar
1,5tsp gelatine
8tbsp stock or water

For the chicken marinade

350gr chicken meat
1tsp salt
1tbsp soya
1tbps Sherry whine
1tsp gelatine


Cut the meat into small cubes and mix with the ingredients for the marinade. Cover with plastic wrap and leave in the fridge for 2-6 hours.
Roast the peanuts.
Wash and peal the vegetables. Cut the carrots, peppers and the leek into the same size sticks, about 7cm long. Cut the mushrooms in not too thin slices, cabbage into pieces a bit bigger than you would for a salad, apples into cubes and the roasted peanuts roughly.
On a little oil, fry the meat until almost cooked through.
In a wok or a large pot, on a little oil and medium to high heat, fry the vegetables and the apples in the order they are written in the ingredients list, allowing each to fry at least 1min before adding the next one. I like the vegetables to be a bit softer so I fry them 3-5min each.
Add the meat to the vegetables, add the sauce and fry for another 3-5min. In the end add the peanuts and mix well.
Serve with steaming hot rice.



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