Sunday, August 14, 2016

Workout, being crafty and movies night

And then there were two ;) 

Both my sister and I do power walks or spinning a few times per week. But because she is 10cm longer than me and a bit faster, before, I was always almost running after her just to be able to catch up. It is actually kind of funny! Before she arrived this summer, I was working out so hard and was so proud of myself for walking the same distance 10min faster. And I was sure that now I will be able to keep up without having to run after her. :D 

Hahahaahaha This picture says it all! She’s got better as well and was whole 13min faster than me. I could barely stand after first few work outs! 

After a shower we tried these face moisturising masks I brought from Japan. They did exactly what they claimed and the skin felt very silky and smooth afterwards.

We were planning on being naughty later on-it was Friday and a movie night, so, for lunch we had a shrimp salad.

Getting some work done before V comes from work and the weekend starts. 

Afternoon activity. ;) I am not crafty, maybe because I don’t have much patience, but I was very happy with what I have achieved here. :D A bought this bikini, the bottom part was fine but the upper part was too big. Because it’s a crochet, I managed to make it smaller by sawing a part over the other and it actually looks good.

V and A played WOW for years so they were looking forward to see a movie. A was especially excited being that her favourite guy is in a leading role. ;) It was a really good movie, I very much liked the graphic-it all looked very real.


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