Saturday, June 25, 2016

Our Midsummer

Usually around midsummer it’s cold and rainy but on Friday the weather was perfect-warm and sunny! I, on the other hand, am having a cold in the middle of summer, how fun?! But since my parents in law invited us to spend the day, which I was looking forward to, I couldn’t say no.

We were at Gunnebo slott not too long ago, with my sister, having fun in the snow :D I don’t remember visiting the castle during summer so I was looking forward to it! 

We arrived a bit earlie and had time to check the shops…

And the beautiful garden! This made me excited for lunch!

For lunch I chose fish served with mayo and vegetables from the garden-so yummy!

Dessert time!


Then we went to find a spot to watch the show from.

So many people!

 We did manage to get a spot on the hill, overlooking the area where the pole was raised. 


            I couldn’t sit still, of course, and had to explore other areas.

But was back just in time for traditional dancing around the pole. 


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