Saturday, June 18, 2016

Day in pictures-Picking flowers, failed shopping and reading Seneka

A few weeks ago I started using coconut oil as my face cream during the day. I like fatty creams so it didn’t take a lot to get used to it, apart from the smell-that took some getting used to. 

On the way to the store I had to stop and pick some flowers. Often when we travel, mostly to Greece and Italy, I buy honey that’s sold in cute little jars. I love honey but also because I save the jars to use as a vase or for food. Isn’t it pretty?!

The reason why I went to the store was to buy some chilli powder. Seems like I got distracted at the pasta isle :D cause I came home with a full bag of pasta and no chilli powder. That’s love!

Quick lunch. This and soft ice cream is Swedish summer to me. 

After I finished work I took a shower and did a little Vaseline treatment for my feet. I love how soft they feel afterwards. Then I sat with my book and a bag of Japanese snacks for a while. I am about half way through, but I already know, this will be one of the best books I read this year. It’s making me think, cry and laugh. I love how much he gets said using the simple words and examples from everyday life. 

Love this nail polish colour from Essie-perfect summer pink. Also, notice how bright it is?! I took these pics around 9-10 PM.

Night, night!