Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Paccheri in tomato sauce with fish

Last pasta recipe for this month. This one is my second favourite after the Scialatielli. Neapolitan pasta is just so good!

Ingredients for 6

4 anjouvis
3-4 cloves of garlic
1/2 chili          
750gr cherry tomatoes
handful of fresh parsley
400-500gr monkfish (or any white fish)
500gr paccheri pasta
1dl fish or vegetable stock
olive oil


Finely chop garlic, parsley and chili. Cut tomatoes in halves.
Fill a large sauce pan with water and salt, bring to a boil.
In a large sauce pan with high sides gently heat up some olive oil. Add the anjouvis, garlic and chili, cook until anjouvis dissolve and garlic gets a light brown colour.
In another pan, on some olive oil, fry seasoned fish until cooked through. Shred the fish into small pieces, remove if there are any bones and set aside.
Start cooking pasta as it takes around 16min.
To the sauce base add tomatoes, season with salt. Turn up the heat and let them soften. If they let out much liquid cook the sauce until it concentrates a bit.
Prepare the stock after the instructions on the packaging. I use a dry form stock and dissolve it in the water that I add to the pan where fish cooked, that way I get more flavour.
To the tomato sauce add dissolved stock cube and combine. If the sauce is too thick add some pasta water.
Add the fish and the chopped parsley.
Combine sauce with the pasta. Transfer to a serving dish, drizzle over with some olive oil and serve!


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