Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Traditional breakfast and Kappabashi shopping

This is traditional Japanese breakfast-natto(fermented soybeans), raw egg and steaming hot rise. I am not fussy when it comes to food and there is not much I don’t like to eat. But I must say Japanese cuisine was challenging at times :D For example this tasted pretty bland and was a bit too slimy for my liking. So for the rest of our stay in Tokyo I had yoghurt and sometimes omelette in the mornings. 

On the way to the station…

              I think Japanese people are very beautiful with their soft lines, big lips and those beautiful Asian eyes… I couldn’t stop looking, especially at kids and especially at girls… But how cute is this boy?!

Because we wanted to see as much as possible, not only the tourist spots, whenever we had time we would walk in the neighbourhoods nearby.

Local shrine…

More of the neighbourhood…

Kappabashi-Kitchen Town

This was a place I was very much looking forward going to, my husband not so much :D I think he was afraid I would spend too much money but it turned out I didn’t buy a thing! I think I was overwhelmed with so much to choose from.

I also had hard time picturing stuff in my kitchen, everything was just so different. 

I loved pieces like these. Simple, neutral colours and so delicate!


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