Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Swiss chard soup

Ingredients for 2

200-400gr swiss chard or spinach
3 potato
1tsp stock in dry form or ½ stock cube
1tbsp olive oil
Water to cover the potatoes
1 garlic clove


Wash the swiss chard and remove the hard middle part from each leaf.
Cut the potatoes into small pieces and cook them in water with stock until cooked through.
In another pot bring water up to a boil. Add salt, swiss chard and cook for 5-6min or until tender.
Strain, then place the swiss chard on a chopping board and chop, not to finely.
Add the chopped swiss chard and olive oil to the potatoes and cook for around 5 min with a lid on.
Add the garlic.                                        
Serve with a dollop of crème fresh.



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