Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Italian lamb stew

If we are celebrating Easter at our place, like we did last and this year, this is what I make. In fact, I make this all year around because it’s easy. All you need is really good lamb meat. 

Ingredients for 6

1kg Lamb shoulder
3 carrots
2 yellow onions
4-5 garlic cloves
1-2 stalk of celery
½ a chilli
5 anjouvis
5 tbsp olive oil
Thyme a handful
5 potatoes
500gr cherry tomatoes
300ml vegetable stock
300gr frozen peas
1 glass white vine
2 tbsp white wine vinegar


Cut the meat into medium size chunks, season.
Chop, not to finely, carrots, onions and celery.
Finely chop garlic and chilli.
Cut the potatoes into large pieces.
In a pot heat up the oil on medium heat, add anjouvis and the meat. Let the meat sear and get some colour while the anjouvis dissolve.
When the meat is brown all around add the carrots, onions, celery, garlic, chilli, thyme, white vine and vinegar. Stir around then cover with the lid. Leave to cook on low heat for 20min.
Season the potatoes and add them to the stew along with the whole cherry tomatoes and the stock. Put the lid back on and continue to cook for 40min on low heat.
Add the peas, adjust the seasoning if needed. Cook for another 1-2 min.
I serve this with bread and gibanica (Serbian pie made with thin pastry and cheese filling).

Serbian gibanica. You might notice a piece is missing. That is how impatient I am :D I forgot to take a picture before it disappeared :D  



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