Friday, March 18, 2016

Day at the museum and more strange food

This is mochi-flavoured rice paste and it was supposed to be my naughty sweet breakfast one morning. I ended up trying a tiny bite of each flavour and continued my day without a proper breakfast. Luckily, I don’t get hanrgy :D I couldn’t taste neither of flavours but it was the consistency that I really didn’t enjoy. :/

First half of the day we have spent at the museums enjoying the art :)

        I can’t live without a cup of tea or few every day :D So I absolutely loved that there were vending machines everywhere!

Dessert for the day-ice cream with bean paste. This is such a light healthy dessert. Seriously, if you wanna put on some weight you won’t succeed eating only Japanese food :D I’ll write more about this in future post. Place was called Mihashi Ueno main Branch.

On the way to the metro station we passed a local street market. 

Got more tea!

Afternoon in Kagurazaka. 

This made me happy-japanese curry! A little spicy, very cheap and quick meal. 

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