Saturday, February 6, 2016

Venice part 3/3

This is what I love about Venice-if you follow a random street, get around the corner, across a courtyard and down the stairs you can end up on the side of building facing the Grand Canal. 

That is where we had for the first time, now mandatory, deli lunch which consists of ciabatta, ricotta, mortadella and tomato. 

Back then I was blond and I’m so glad I changed my hair colour to brown :D Nevertheless, I love this picture! 

We have gone to a few trips after this and each one was planned better than the one before. 

      I feel like we use our time better when we gather all the information beforehand, that way we can focus on what interest us the most. 

In that sense, Venice wasn’t the best planned trip but it is the one we enjoyed the most. I think about it every year in January and with each year my wish to go back gets bigger. 

Not to experience the city but to take pictures with my DSLR camera. Back then I had a simple digital camera, borrowed from my sister. Also, dates on the pictures are not accurate. I don’t think I knew that function was on and showing the wrong date.

As you can notice I don’t like to write so much, pictures are really my way of expressing myself. 

However, I wrote more in these three posts about Venice than I did in all the other posts combined on my blog. :D 

      I guess I wanted to share some details and express my feelings so that you understand why I have so much love for the city! 


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