Sunday, February 7, 2016

Mini Banoffee pies

We had some guests over last night and as I didn’t feel like baking I made this quick version of the Banoffee pie. This was actually something I wanted to make ever since I tried it for the first time in Malta. And that was six years ago! The part I never really liked was cooking the can of the condensed milk. It still sounds scary…Anyhow, I found out that now you can buy precooked/caramelized ones and so I did! Also, if you prefer, you can top yours with some whipped cream instead. But I think that the slight bitterness of the cacao goes well with all the other sweet components. 

Ingredients for 4

8-10 Digestive biscuits
1-2 cans of caramelized condensed milk
2 banana
Nob of butter
2tbsp yellow sugar
2tbsp cacao


Slice the bananas in rings.
Crush the biscuits to the consistency you like. I place mine in a plastic bag then I bash them with a rolling pin.
Take the condensed milk out of the cans and place in to a bowl, mix with a spoon until smooth.
In a pan, melt the butter and the sugar then add the bananas. Cook on medium heat until they get a bit softer and coated with the sugar.
Using individual serving glasses place the crushed biscuits on the bottom, layer with the caramelized condensed milk, top with a layer of bananas and finish it of with a sifting of cacao. 



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