Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Snowy February

     It is already February and that means more nature photos. There is no more snow, actually, since a couple of days back. Now I’m looking forward to the spring! Having said that, in Sweden, or at least where I live spring comes often in late May so, I’ll be waiting for a while!

After months of no exercising and being lazy I am finally back to my routine. That means powerwalks or spinning 6 times/week. So, one early afternoon, in the beginning of the month, I went for a powerwalk by a lake nearby. The lake was frozen and covered with snow. Just stunning! Anyway, people were skiing and walking right across it, which is totally crazy if you ask me! I don’t think the lake is very deep but nevertheless. Turned out, I am just a little bit crazy as well :D I just had to take just a couple of steps, to take this first photo.


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