Sunday, January 24, 2016

Sunday evening thoughts

We have been living in the winter wonderland the past few days! It is also very cold, around -10 °C, but I did go out to take a few shots. I’ll be posting those soon but for now these pictures are from Serbian countryside. I enjoyed so much the time I spent in Kotraza and I miss that closeness to the nature so. I don’t think that I have ever been as involved in my photography and just present in the moment like I have during those few days. 

     I will be spending the evening watching Hannibal. I don’t even remember the last episode I watched, so I probably have a few to catch up on. I will also make a giant cup of tea to accompany my latest addiction which is Kit Kat chunky-I had it for dessert the past few days and now I’m stuck :D

Have a nice evening!


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