Thursday, December 24, 2015

7 breakfasts

I am not so much of a breakfast person and most often I’ll just have a cup of a plain yoghurt or some fruit. However, around the holidays it’s different… Btw, it’s so dark in Sweden this time of year. First thing I do in the morning is turn on the lights. Some days it gets brighter around 10-14 but for the most part it’s dark. Back to the food… I absolutely love dried figs so I got a plate of those with a big glass of water.  

This bread, which you can’t really see properly, is whole grain rye bread and it’s amazing. I have on some butter, cheese and some cherry tomatoes. 

This is something I try to drink daily. It’s just boiled water with lemon juice. I probably was naughty the day before and still full :D 

Rye crisp bread with Philadelphia cheese and some pepper. 

Plain yoghurt, kiwi and some crushed almonds. 

Love this combination of chocolate and fruit. It’s even better when the satsumas are a bit sour!

This is pretty much Christmas food. I’d say eggs with caviar are probably the best part. I am so impatient, can’t wait for this again and more tonight! 


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