Thursday, July 27, 2017

Simple summer salad

This is my mamas recipe and it’s a brilliant one. Simple, goes with everything and it gets even tastier if you let it stay in the fridge for a couple of hours. The best part is, after all the vegetables are gone and there’s only juices left-dipping a piece of bread in it! 

Ingredients for 2-4

1 big buffalo tomato
1/2 cucumber
1-2 red peppers (not the ones for stuffing but the pointy ones)
1 red onion
3tbsp olive oil
1-2tbsp red wine vinegar


Wash all the vegetables. Peal the cucumber.
Cut the tomato and onion into half-moon slices, cucumber and peppers into circles.
Transfer all the vegetables into a bowl, add oil, vinegar and salt then mix with a spoon.
