Wednesday, June 28, 2017


I was looking for a good falafel recipe to add to my Greek and Middle eastern vegetarian meze and this is the one! The mixture is very wet and it looks like it won’t hold together but it will and the falafel ends up being juicy and light. 

Ingredients for 35-40 falafel

2,3dl dried chickpeas, soaked for 12-24 hours
1 red onion chopped
3 garlic cloves minced
2,3dl fresh parsley
2,3dl fresh coriander
1tsp ground cumin
1tsp ground coriander
1/4tsp cayenne pepper
1tbsp lemon juice
2tbsp flour
1/2tsp baking soda
Vegetable oil for frying


Rinse the soaked chickpeas. There should be now 7-8dl of chickpeas.
Depending on a size of your food processor add all or half of the chickpeas, fresh parsley, fresh coriander, onion and garlic. Blend until it looks like it’s very finely chopped and holds together when you try to form a ball.
Transfer chickpea mixture to a bowl and add ground cumin and coriander, salt, lemon juice, flour, baking soda, pepper, then combine, cover with plastic wrap and leave in the fridge for around 1 hour.
Form bite size balls.
Fill a small size pot with oil, about half way up. Heat up to 190C.
Carefully, add just a few balls at the time and fry until golden brown. After frying, place them on a kitchen paper to drain the access oil. 



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