Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Attilas christening

In the beginning of the April I was at the christening in the beautiful Haga church in Gothenburg. 

I arrived about an hour before the ceremony and had enough time to capture the preparations. Attilas mother did a great job decorating the room where the after party was-pictures are later in the post. 

Meanwhile, this handsome little boy, whom I have seen last when he was only 6 days old, was getting dressed in this beautiful 200 years old christening dress.

Just before the ceremony.

Attilas older brother wanted to see for himself what was going on, before he ran off to play with his grandmother. 

The ceremony went by fast, or so I felt. There was music and no crying babies. ;)

After the ceremony.

Then it was cake time.


More family time.

A little photoshoot of the Attila.

And the guests. 


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