Friday, December 2, 2016


Andricev konak is the hotel we stayed at while in Visegrad. We have travelled to many countries, Japan too, which is famous for being clean but nothing compares to how clean this hotel and the city was! 

As soon as we dropped off the bags at a hotel we went for a walk across the famous bridge, which was just outside our hotel.

My sisters friend is from Visegrad so we had a list of places we should see and this graffiti was on the list. Man in front of the bridge is Serbian writer Ivo Andric who wrote the novel “Na Drini cuprija” and won Nobel prize for it.

Next stop Andricgrad or Andrictown or Kamengrad, built by Emir Kusturica.

This town is a tribute to the writer Ivo Andric but there are statues and paintings of other famous people. 

For example, on this piece of art there is Kusturica himself and in the right corner are Novak Djokovic and Monica Bellucci. 

And, of course, Putin. 

After all those cakes we went for a walk along the river. Love the mountains and the autumn colors!

Then it started to rain so we continued with a car. The man in the picture was blocking the road while loading the equipment for making rakija, which is Serbian alcohol drink. I liked the whole scene and took a picture of it. So, while we couldn’t move I went out of the car and took the next one.  



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