Saturday, August 6, 2016

Summertime picnic at the beach

While I keep on posting pictures from our Greek vacation, which I still have many from, I will try and make one post per week from our everyday life. Btw, if you want to see more of those, click here.

When it comes to weather, this summer hasn’t been the best. It’s been raining for weeks at a time and I almost forgot that it actually is summer. When it finally stopped raining we went to the Hovås beach for a long awaited picnic. Of course, brave Swedish were swimming and going around in proper summer clothes even though it was around 20 degreese.

My sister and I came well dressed in summer sweaters, jeans and all! ;) 

We have never been to this beach before and I really liked the spot we chose. So, while waiting for the grill to get hot we took a few pics and I love how they turned out! I miss my sister whenever we are not together and when we are we try to make most of the time. And we, of course, take many pictures. Girls! :D

While I was going around the area, checking the views, A and V were having a “starter”. And for the “starter” my sister chose French baguette with butter or shrimp salad (räksallad). I myself couldn’t resist so I stole a bite or two. ;) 

Last year we had a situation when one of these one time grills wouldn’t start or get hot. Which is why this time we brought two and it turned out to be a good decision since again, one of them just didn’t get hot enough. Now we a thinking of buying the real thing. We don’t grill that often, just a few times per year, but then it would be nice to do it on a proper grill. 

Grey everywhere. 

These hamburgers are out of this world good! In our local store we by all the separate components and they are all by MAX. Which is why the finished product is just as good as hamburgers served at MAX restaurants. 

Just look at the happiness on A’s face!

She was so proud of her creation! :D

After food coma position!


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