Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Olympos part 1/2

This charming little village lies in the north part of the island, very high up in the mountains. Driving up the Greek mountains is always an exciting experience of scenery and weather changes.

When we arrived it was still cloudy and a bit chilly morning. 

So, we took a stroll to get warm and explore. 


Later on, the sun came out and the village looked even prettier in that bright light. Restaurants were preparing the food and it all looked very tempting.

Love the tiles!

Before lunch activity. Who can resist?! :D But seriously, how cute is this store?! 

Everything was beautifully presented and also, I loved the light coming through windows and doors. 

I was interested in the serving bowls but they were not for sale. Later on I found a store, in the Karpathos city, that was selling bowls with traditional print. I don’t have many Serbian/ Greek serving dishes, even though I love the look, so I was happy to add to my collection.


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