Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Baked vanilla and thyme apricots, served with ice cream and crushed biscuits

Ingredients for 8

16 apricots
1 vanilla bean
3-4 sprig of Thyme
3tbsp honey, preferably Greek thyme honey
Vanilla ice cream
16 Digestive bisquits


Preheat the oven to 250 °. Wash and half the apricots, remove the seeds. Cut open the vanilla bean and scrape out the seeds. Combine the vanilla seeds and the honey. Crush the biscuits directly in a bowl or place them in a plastic bag and bash with a with rolling pin.
Place the apricots in an oven dish, drizzle over with the vanilla and the honey mixture, sprinkle over the majority of the thyme leaves. Bake until apricots get soft, around 20min.
Place a few apricot halves on each serving dish, alongside the crushed biscuits and the ice cream. Sprinkle over with additional thyme leaves.



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