Friday, July 1, 2016

Planting for the first time and trying out Furikake

Starting a day on a right note :D On the way back from Japan I bought a package of the Castella cake. It was pretty sweet, compared to many other Japanese sweets. And it is perfect if you, like me, like to have sweet breakfast once in a while!

Then it was about time to go through this pile… This is how I like to shop-most often online and then I try out everything when it gets too messy or when it’s closer to the return date :D 

Because I go through a lot of basil and parsley and to but a bunch each time costs the same as to buy a plant you can grow, I decided to plant and grow my own. I was tempted to buy more but for now I bought a couple of basil plants and a one parsley just to see how it goes. I also bought a bag of soil, so I can transfer them to the clay pots, just because I don’t like the thought of them growing in a plastic nursery pots. 

Since this is my first time planting and caring for a plant, I have no idea if I did right or wrong. I hope I did right! :D Anyway, it will be interesting to see the results!

Furikake-another thing a bought in Japan. This is incredible good! You sprinkle a couple of table spoons over the steaming hot rice and enjoy! The pink one tastes just like salmon sushi and the other one I’m not sure, but I think it’s some kind of meat and onion. 

Night, night!


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