Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Megali Amopi and a lovely lunch spot

First full day at the beach we decided to spend at Megali Amopi. It’s a long beach with busier and less busy parts. We chose a spot with just a couple on sun chairs and ended up being alone there for the whole day. 

Ah, the warmth of sun, the fresh cool sea water and the sound of the wind… 

While V and A were relaxing, swimming and reading books I went for a little walk around the area. Cause I can’t sit still :D 

After my walk and some more swimming, we went to the only place in the area to get some lunch. 

When V and I are alone we usually skip the lunch and have fruit, snacks and occasional giros. But since my sister has to have lunch or else.. :D this was a must!

Such a lovely place! We sat in the shade surrounded with beautiful bright purple flowers. 

This was delicious-lamb and vegetable stew topped with some melted cheese. 

And of course, souvlaki. 

Aaaaaand back to the beach. Love days like this!


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