Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Mamas peach cake

For the past few weeks it’s been raining and cold and so, I have been spending more time in the kitchen. Can’t complain about that! :D I make this cake at least a couple of times during summer. I like the combination of the sweet dough with the sour raspberries but I think my favourite fruit to use are peaches.

Ingredients for a 35x43cm oven dish

4 eggs
2,5dl sugar
1,5dl olive oil
3dl flour
2tsp baking powder
6-8 medium size peaches
Ca 2tbsp powdered sugar


Divide the egg whites from the egg yolks.
In a bowl combine the flour and the baking powder.
Wash and peal (optional) fruit and cut into slices.
Grease and flour an oven dish or line with a baking parchment.
Using an electric mixer, mix the 4 egg whites then add the sugar and mix until fluffy. Add the 4 yolks and mix until combined. Add the oil and mix until combined. Add the flour and the baking powder and mix just until combined-don’t over mix.
Transfer the mixture into the prepared baking dish and top with peach slices leaving some room in between.
Bake on 180° for around 35min or until golden brown. 
Leave the cake to cool completely then sift over with some powdered sugar.



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