Sunday, July 31, 2016

Summer magic

This summer has been awfully rainy and cold. For my monthly nature posts I really didn’t feel like posting pictures of rain or grey skies. So, I was very happy when sun showed up and sky cleared up!

My sister and I drove to Härlanda tjärn, a small, very popular lake, especially in the summer. Place was packed with people swimming and grilling. I had a jacket on-for me it was still cold but Swedish are tough! :D By the sunset most of the crowd was gone and it was the perfect time for pictures. 


Friday, July 29, 2016

Another greek village

While driving across the island we were passing by or driving through many villages. And I wanted is to make a “quick” stop at each one. :D

They are all very authentic, raw and beautiful.

Kitties everywhere.



Light coloured houses, small streets and endless stairs.
