Monday, June 13, 2016

Relaxing, shopping and Shabu Shabu

Lazy morning-reading and snacking on fruit and crackers. 

Days we have spent in Kinosaki onsen were really lovely. Even though I didn’t like the whole getting naked in front of the strangers part, I did enjoy the hot water and the feeling of getting relaxed. It is important for both the mind and the body to meditate, try not to have any thoughts and just feel the body. I should make this a routine since I can have hard time “turning off”. 

Another lesson I learned is to never take my husband shopping with me. :D I wanted to by the big bowl for rice (in picture with chopsticks) but he thought that it would be difficult to transport.. Yeah.. 

For dinner we had Shabu shabu. I was looking forward to this the whole trip! It is a pretty healthy dish but so yummy. The meat and the vegetables are cooked in the water and then dipped into one of the two sauces. One was soya, the other one was, I’m guessing, sesame sauce. And of course steaming hot rice. OMG! I am dreaming of it!

Knocked out! :D


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