Friday, May 13, 2016

Tea ceremony and an unforgettable geiko/maiko show

Morning tea ceremony. I love tea and during the stay in Japan I learned to like the taste of their green tea. Japanese collect the tea leafs while they are jung so the taste is different to the “regular” green tea or the one I know. This tea is very good for the skin and judging by the way Japanese look it must be working :D It doesn’t have as deep flavour as the green tea I am used to but is more light and stronger in taste. Back to the ceremony.. it was very calming and relaxing. The lady that was demonstrating was explaining every move she was making, it was all very feminine and beautiful to watch. Part of the ceremony is that everyone drinks tea from the same cup and that I didn’t really like. However, I would recommend trying it out as the experience was unique.

Walking in the old parts of Kyoto.

Ramen, again! :D So good!

Midday geiko/maiko show. Listening to the sound of shamisen and looking at the geishas performing.. This was like out of a movie experience!

On the way…

Sannenzaka/Ninenzaka street. I love the architecture-very authentic Japanese and all the cute shops.

Evening in Kyoto. 


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