Thursday, March 3, 2016

First day in Tokyo

Besides photography, traveling gives me that very special feeling and excitement that can’t be compared to everyday life!

When we arrived in Tokyo it was 9am local time and back in Sweden it was midnight. I started taking pictures right away and didn’t even feel sleepy :D V had to figure out how to get to different places we were supposed to see that day and I am so grateful that he doesn’t mind doing that part ;)

On the way to our hotel. 

We stayed close to Ueno park and first thing we did was take a walk in the area. 

Then we got back to the hotel and showered before we continued…

…to Shinjuku

There wasn’t really much to see except for shops.

For late lunch/dinner we went to Blackhole where we were greeted by the whole personnel! I couldn’t stop myself for giggling and I hope they didn’t find me disrespectful! It was just funny to me every time it happened. :D We had wagyu beef for the first time. I liked the whole experience of grilling the food by yourself. 

By this stage we were pretty tired but I wanted to take some night pictures. I will post one of those soon. 

And of course I couldn’t end the day without a dessert :D I had a crêpe with cream, banana and chocolate sauce. I don’t like cream but I love šlag, which is what is used in Serbia instead. Japanese cream is very similar to šlag so I was in heaven! Mmmm 


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