Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Pickled peppers


7,5dl water
2dl alcohol vinegar
1tbsp sugar
1tbsp salt
15-20 red pointy peppers
1 carrot, optional                
Bunch of a parsley, optional


Wash the peppers and dry with a kitchen towel. Remove the stems and seeds from the inside. Do not wash on the inside because that is where the flavour is.
Put the water, the alcohol, the sugar and the salt into a pot with high sides, bring to the boil.
Add a couple of peppers at the time. Remove after 5min of boiling.
When all the peppers are boiled place them and the vinegar mixture into a pot, cover with a lock. Leave until they become softer, around 30min.
Place all the peppers and the cooking liquid into a clean jar. This amount of peppers fill up two medium size jars.
At this stage my grandma adds some grated carrots and parsley. This is optional but it makes for a prettier presentation!
These peppers can stay in a jar, at the room temperature, for around a year.




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