Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Fish tacos

I love tacos, it’s my guilty pleasure, well, one of :D But because I am trying to eat less red meat I decided to try this fish version. And I even made the tomato sauce from scratch instead of using store bought. I really really liked the result! I didn’t know the fish would go so well with the sour cream, that was new to me. Anyway, the whole dish felt lighter and was very tasty!

Ingredients for 2

Cod 200-300gr (any white fish)
Tortilla x 4 (I used small ones)
1 can of precooked corn
Half bell pepper (I used red bell pepper)
Half of cucumber
1 small red onion
Sour crème (gräddfil)
Thyme for decoration

For the tomato sauce
250gr of cherry tomatoes
1 red onion
Chili spice

For the side of avocado
1 avocado
Bunch of parsley leaves


For the sauce
Cut the tomatoes in halves, onion in larger slices and place them on a baking sheet lined with aluminium foil. Bake for around 20-30min or until they get soft and get some colour. When they are baked, using a hand mixer, mix until smooth. Season. It can last for a few days in the fridge.

For the side of avocado
Cut the avocado into chunks, tear the parsley leaves with your fingers or leave them as they are. Mix.

For the tacos part
Panfry the fish on medium to medium high until cooked through. Season. Break into pieces.
Cut the vegetables into roughly same size. Mix.
On a tortilla bread layer chunks of the fish, sour cream, tomato sauce, vegetables and decorate with thyme leaves. Place a spoonful of the avocado and parsley in one corner of the plate. Just before serving sprinkle over some lime juice. 



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