Sunday, February 14, 2016

A few weeks ago

Sour dough bread with grandmas plum jam. Mmmm Can’t get enough!

Pics from my morning walk in the hood. Like I said, since few weeks back I’m back to my workout routine and now I realise that I’ve missed it more than I knew. I have more energy, I can focus better on my work and just feel better. I alternate between powerwalks and spinning at home. Spinning is so much harder so I do it only a couple of times per week. 

This is why I work out 6 times per week. So that I can eat pasta and cakes every day :D But, seriously…This pasta! OMG! Can’t get enough! It is simple linguine in tomato sauce with squid but sooo good!

It was kinda grey day that day so we decided to go bowling. Me and my sister are so awkward when it comes to physical activity, I just knew it would be a lot of fun! I was bad as I expected, finished next to last. But my sister surprised me, she actually got quite a few strikes and was good overall. Her technique though…*head shaking* :D

Late night tea with some Peck biscotti. 


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