Saturday, January 2, 2016


I have sorted all the posts into a few categories, so that it’s easier to find what you are looking for! They are, pretty much, self-explanatory but here is a quick run through…

This is my most updated category. I was contemplating having each country as a category but then there would be too many. I think it is better when there is just a few, but let me know what you think!

This is my second favourite category! I love taking pictures of food and I like to capture it simple, as it is. Most of the recipes come from my kitchen or my grandmothers.  



Even though travel photography is my number one passion I very much enjoy photographing people as well! I love to capture those special moments but also be creative. There is one more thing, the dynamic, it’s very different from photographing nature or still objects and it’s almost addicting! 

           I spend a lot of the time on the computer, sometimes weeks in a row. This sounds boring, like I don’t have a life, but I actually enjoy it. Anyhow, whenever I’m not on a computer and am doing something fun I try to capture it!

This is another favourite! Whether it’s people, interesting light or a detail that caught my eye…I always look for those magic moments!


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