Friday, December 4, 2015

Rainy day, cute store and American diner

Burek, especially when it’s fresh from the bakery in the morning-there is nothing better!

My sister and I went out for a walk in the Kosancicev venac, which is one of the oldest parts of Belgrade. Neither of us checked the weather prognosis before we left, which was very smart. So, when we found ourselves in the pouring rain there was, conveniently, a café where we thought we would get a cup of tea and wait for the rain to stop. Then we discovered that there not only was a café but a shop as well. It’s called Makadam and I instantly fell in love with it! 

The first thing that caught my eye was all the beautiful Serbian pottery.

But there is also ethno clothes, jewellery and much more!

Needless to say we forgot about the tea and all! :D

This American diner had really good burgers but they’re not better then swedish ones, I have to say!


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