Thursday, December 10, 2015

Day with grandma

Naughty breakfast-bread and jam. 

This reminds me, I have to get a basil plant myself and try to keep it for longer than a week… I’m so bad with plants, but I absolutely love the smell!

It’s getting really cold! I love this part of the winter, up to Christmas. It’s so cosy, especially if theres snow. Anyway, since it was sunny and not so cold, we went to the market to do some food shopping. 

For lunch we had a light chard and potato soup.

I did some afternoon chores. YAY!

Then we went through my grandma’s recipe book. There are even recipes there with my handwriting. Back then I was really trying to write pretty but I just never could. Nowdays I avoid to if I can, because often times I can’t even read what I wrote…well well :D



  1. Thank you for sharing the day with your grandma. It was lovely.

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