Friday, October 2, 2015

Cinnamon rolls

One of the first recipes I learned how to make when I moved to Sweden was cinnamon rolls or kanelbullar. The proces takes about 2 hours but I find it relaxing and you end up with beautiful looking dessert!


For the dough
75gr butter
2,5dl milk
25gr yeast
1dl sugar
0,5tsp salt
1tsp cardamom
ca 8dl flour

For the filling
75gr butter
2dl sugar
3tsp cinnamon

For topping
1 egg


- Warm up the oven to 225°.
- Melt butter, combine with milk and warm up to finger warm.
- In a large bowl crumble the yeast then combine with butter and milk mixture.
- Add salt, cardamom, sugar.
- Gradually add flour while mixing with mixer, hands or fork. You should end up with very sticky dough. Sprinkle thin layer of flour, cover the bowl with kitchen towel and leave on warm place to rise for at least 30min.
- For the filling combine sugar and cinnamon with melted butter.
- Transfer risen dough on flowered surface and work with it adding just a little more flour until you can work with it.
- Stretch out the dough with hands or rolling pin.
- Cover the dough with filling, roll in a tight roll then cut into pieces as thick or as thin that yo want.
- Place the rolls on a baking sheet or shallow muffin cases, cover with kitchen towel and let rise for at least 30min.
- Brush the risen rolls with egg then sprinkle with pearlsugar. Bake in the oven for around 7min or until light brown.

It's a cinnamon roll day on sunday and I wish for you to try out this traditional swedish recipe. It's easy and delicious!


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