Thursday, March 26, 2015

Smells like my childhood

Both my mother and my grandmother cook a lot with vegetables which makes for light
dishes versatile in texture and flavours. These rolls are delicate and need some patience while
assembling since the blanched greens are fragile. The filling mixture of rise and meat is subtle
which allows the flavour of greens to come through. 


Sorrel rolls


1 medium onion

30 leaves of greens (sorrel, Swiss chard, spinach)

300gr minced meat

1 clove of garlic

3 spoons of cooked rice

1,5dl tomato juice

2,5dl water

1 tsp smoked or regular paprika spice

Parsley fresh or dried

Couple of tbsp of olive oil
1/2 tsp sugar
Salt and pepper to taste


Cook the rice and let it sit in a strainer to get dry.
In a small sauce pan heat up olive oil to medium heat then sweat finely chopped onion until soft.

Add the meat and stir it with wooden spoon until the released water evaporates.

Combine with garlic, rice, paprika and salt.
If any leaves have thick middle part (parting between two sides of the leaf) carefully remove it. Wash the leaves. Cook the leaves in boiling water until they release green color, it takes seconds. Alternatively lay leaves in a big baking tray and pour water over them, this way there is less chance of them getting tangled. Throw away the water.
Spread out one leaf on flat surface or in your hand, fill it with 2tsp of meat filling then roll into tight roll.

Place the rolls in a baking dish with high sides.

Combine water, tomato juice, sugar and parsley. Let it come to a boil.
Cover the rolls with the tomato sauce.

Cook the rolls on a medium heat, let them come to a boil then lower the heat and let it simmer for 30-40min.

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