Sunday, May 11, 2014


Amin Maalouf was the one that awoke my interest for the orient and since I’ve read about Petra in a magazine in my teenage years, Jordan was on my list. It helped knowing that Jordanians are known for their hospitality because when we arrived in Amman at 4 in the morning and after a short nap… well, we realised we’re in Arabia! Initially I felt very exposed, even though I was covered as much as possible without wearing the hijab.  And then the world unfolded, and what a beautiful world it was! People in Amman are not used to tourists so everyone was asking for a picture with us or for their picture to be taken (Heaven for me!). Jordanians love to smile and they seem very content, no rush or stress of a modern life. And the food, oh my God the food! Everywhere we went (street markets, bakeries...) we were offered to try nuts, cookies, fruit… They talk loud and with their hands, much like Italians. All the buildings are built on hills so the city makes you feel very small even though there are no tall buildings. So for the vibrant Middle Eastern experience Amman is the place!


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