Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Beef steaks in sauce with peas and potato mash

Ingrediens for 4-6

For the meat

650gr beef steak
A few tbsp. flour
2 yellow onions
1/2 carrot
4-5 garlic cloves
1tsp broth in dry form
2tsp paprika spice
½-1dl water
Olive oil

For the peas

1,5 yellow onion
2-3 garlic cloves
1 carrot
2kg frozen peas
A bunch of dill
1tsp broth in dry form
250gr tomato sauce
1/2dl water
1tsp sugar
1tsp flour


For the meat

Remove the white tough parts from the meat, split the ends with the knife as they tend to curl up, beat the steaks.
Cover each steak with flour then place in a pan with simmering oil, cover with a lock and fry until they get brown. Remove the steaks.
In the same oil where the meat fried, add the finely chopped onion and fry until it starts to get softer. Add back the meat and water, enough to cover the steaks. Simmer until the meat is tender.
After 45-50minutes of cooking add ½ grated carrot.
After 1hour add finely chopped garlic and broth.
In a cup, mix, paprika spice with water and add to the meat after 1,5 hours. Season. Add more cooking water if needed. 

For the peas

In another pan with high sides, on a little oil and water, fry finely chopped onion and garlic until soft. Add grated carrot and combine. Add the peas and the dill. Add warm water until just below the surface and the broth. Cover with the lock and bring to boil.
Cook on a high heat so that is bubbles, add water if needed.
After ca 10-15minutes lower the heat, season.
In a little sauce pan cook up the tomato sauce, water, sugar then add it to the peas. Combine. Cook for a few minutes longer.
In a cup, mix the flour and water until there are no lumps. Add it to the peas. Do this only if the pea sauce is too runny. Cook a couple of minutes.

Serve with some mash potatoes and enjoy!