Saturday, September 27, 2014

Roasted peppers

This is by far my favorite fall/winter salad! You can buy already made but they don’t compare to the home made. Buy pointy ones because they have thinner flesh and more flavor. I have to try the combination bread (preferably italian), pesto, roasted peppers and cheese because it sounds delicious!

Monday, September 22, 2014

Homemade Pizza

 I miss my mother’s cooking.. kale, cabage, stews, soups...but pizza is almost always on top of the list. We are all crazy about pizza and I´m so happy to have the process and finished result in pictures...To make it, my mother uses my grandmother’s tomato souce which she makes from scratch, when the tomatoes are the best. The rest of ingredients are always the same which is why the pizza is every time so good and authentic.


Thursday, September 18, 2014

Frisbee golf

 I can’t do sports and I´ve stopped trying long time ago! It’s hard to find someone that’s worse than me but at least you don’t have to look far, she´s right next to me, my sister :D We´ve laughed long and hard while playing and watching pictures ( too embarrassed to show! )! V and his sister are much more skilled. Then again, the bar wasn’t set so high!