Saturday, May 31, 2014

High place of sacrifice

I love my converse but they were not the right choice for walking in Petra, now I have to buy a new pair since mine got destroyed from all the sand. Lesson learned…NOT! The climb to the High place was not the easiest, pretty much steps up hill all the way and it was hot, 30C, I can’t even imagine how it is in summer months...


Wednesday, May 28, 2014

The Treasury

Walk of anticipation-The Sig

The constant change of colours and light as the day goes by, the smooth dynamic of the curve, horse and the carriage galloping by faster as the woman laughs lauder as if she has no worries in her life, I'm almost sure I saw a flying mat disappear behind a corner. Suddenly a tour guide of a group we found ourselves behind, said to them to move to one side. Naturally we expected a horse carriage but since there was none I looked in front of me and saw it, the Treasury! Overly excited as if I didn’t expect it, I start shaking V´s arm saying "Look, look, there it is!" while the group laughed at us! One of those moments in life...


Monday, May 26, 2014

Little Petra

…is where we stopped on our way to Wadi Musa. I got a chance to take a picture of the mountain chain, thank you Wisam! Again...colours of the landscape!


Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Colours of Middle East

We were lucky to get clear skyes to see all the way to Jerusalem from the Mount Nebo. Dry land, olive trees, dead sea and light blue skyes...the view is breathtaking!


Monday, May 19, 2014


I almost admire the accomplishments of a big ego, right or wrong it’s thanks to them that we get to enjoy great sites around the world. On the way to Jerash ruins we were driving through the more green and lush part of Jordan, so different from the rest of the country. We had some crazy weather while on site, rain on and off a hundred times in space of a couple of hours which is according to locals all they get for a year…some people are lucky!